5 Things to Go with the Perfect Holiday

I remember one time someone asked me what makes a good holiday. So here we go!

Good weather

It can be quite disturbing to take your umbrella or wear your raincoat especially if you want to travel light; it could even ruin your day if you (or your camera) get showered by rain! Besides bad weather takes no good pictures… so better keep sunshine in your prayers!

Good travel buddies

Again this is crucial because I’m sure you must have been stuck at the airport or even worse (the plane!) for a few hours with washroom the only place to visit, so a few chit chats might be the only solution to get you out of boredom. Plus you don’t want to spend the whole day going somewhere you don’t want to go or getting ready to go at 6 in the morning when you only need a relaxing day by the pool. So I advise you either go with your travel buddy or don’t go at all!

Perfect outfit

ok! ok! I know that holidays are supposed to be relaxing hence taking a break from the fashion whirlwind… but do you want to look like crap in your vacation photos? NO, right? Start packing then, stick to a simple palette (like VOGUE said) so you can wear everything with anything!

Good food and wine

What’s the point of eating crap when you’re having the perfect holiday? You can say you’ve been to La Tour Eiffel, but so what I’ve seen it all in the postcards! But what can you say about the taste of that rare steak and that stack of pancakes with homemade ice-cream from Stockholm? (ok…have to admit La Tour Eiffel is still better in “person”, but you know what I’m saying =p)

See? You can never know how good that pancakes and ice-cream are unless you try for yourself!

Friendly locals

It’s definitely a pro when local say “beware of your camera!” or using all the sign language they could possibly use to show you the way than to giving you the “eye-rolling” when you’re already trying to understand “who-knows-what-they’re-saying” menu.

So what makes your perfect holiday?!

One response to “5 Things to Go with the Perfect Holiday

  1. Hiya thanks a lot for the comment, cute blog you have x

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